Monday, February 11, 2013

Lean Startup Business Room

Have you ever been looking around your house for one thing but found something much more interesting in the process? This most likely happens because you're looking at every item individually and determining one-by-one whether it's the item you're looking for. It's because you're looking at every item that allows for something more interesting can grab your attention.
Having a Business Room for your startup, where the walls have your Business Model Canvas, customer interviews, product ideas, market ideas, sales ideas, investor information, contacts, and many other business related items, you can give your startup the same opportunity to discover otherwise forgotten information. For example, say you're looking for the interview with a customer who had a new feature suggestion. In your Business Room your customer interviews are tacked to one wall, dozens of them. While looking for the customer interview of interest you'll probably be quickly looking at all the other customer interviews until you find the right one. Now if you had these all on the computer you would probably just search under the folder "\Startup\My Business\Customer Interviews\" for the particular feature. The computer might find the particular item faster but it also denies you the opportunity to discover a different customer's suggestion for an even better feature that you've forgotten.
When your business is in its infancy you can't possibly keep everything in your mind ready for immediate recall, especially if the link between items is tenuous at best. By having a Business Room you can see the status of your business by simply glancing at the walls. The Business Room gives the startup team a greater opportunity the find nuggets of precious information that may have been forgotten.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lean Startup Testing With B2B Customers

Split testing (also called A/B testing) allows for two versions of something to be tested between two distinct but equal groups of customers and the results compared to find the best way forward. If you've read anything on Lean Startup then you could be forgiven if you thought that split testing is only used for web based products. It's not. The split test can be used with two versions of a web site but can also be used with a physical product, sales campaigns, marketing campaigns, or most anything else that is related to changes that potentially adds value for the customer and grows the business. But what if your product is sold only to a couple hundred customers (a common occurrence with B2B)? Almost certainly traditional split testing with the product is not practical with so few niche customers. The problem then becomes, how can you tell if any product change is truly adding value for the customer and the business?


Niche Testing

You can do a thing I'll call 'Niche Testing'. Unlike split testing where you conduct simultaneous testing between two groups, niche testing is done before and during a product change with the key customers. Niche testing is conducted using the Build-Measure-Learn loop format and should work with as few as 30 customers. I picked 30 customers rather arbitrarily but is a number that is probably the high end of what the company will be capable of interviewing in a short period of time (3 people doing 2 interviews a day each in one week).
What I propose doing is conduct a customer satisfaction survey using your proven survey format to ascertain the current customer feelings toward the product. You will need to determine how you measure the customers' responses to the survey beforehand and identify specifically what you hope to learn from it. The survey would also contain questions relating to the area that the team is considering changing and improving. Don't use leading questions to promote your proposed change since this will almost certainly result in skewed responses; find out what your customers can't live without rather than what they can live with. The survey should be conducted face-to-face with the customer if at all possible so you can read their body language as they relate their experiences with the product and answer questions. The customer survey is your earliest MVP.
After the customer surveys are complete, you measure the response and consider your next step. There are four major categories of responses:
  1. the customers love the product as is and will continue paying support fees without any changes,
  2. the customers have no need for the changes you're considering,
  3. the customers have stopped using your product or are switching to a competitor's product, or
  4. the customers have a need for the type of changes you're considering.
In the first and second category of responses you need do nothing for now except cash the customers' annual support fee checks, right? Although this sounds nice and easy, it is most probably the recipe for business failure in the long run. Doing nothing means you're not innovating, not anticipating your customers' future needs, and not trying to grow your business. So what do you do if no one has the problem you envision to solve? The answer lies within the product team and the character of the customers' responses to your questions-the customers may have indicated a completely different problem than what you envisioned. The product team should weigh their hunches, insights, wisdom, intuition, and world experiences against customers not having or not knowing they have the problem you envision to solve. With either of these responses the team will probably need to pivot, find a different feature, unless you think the customers are unaware of the problem you want to solve.
In the third case you've lost your customer.  This may be OK if, and only if, the customer's business has changed where they no longer have a need for your product. In all other circumstances you may have missed the customers' true needs or not innovating as aggressively as you should. With this response not only should the team pivot but they may need to reassess their product and customer segments.
In the forth case the team will 'perservere' and start building a demo, prototype or begin implementing the new features into the product. I would suggest a demo of the new features as a time and cost saving measure until you know, through innovative learning, that this feature will solve the customers' problem.
Throughout the Build-Measure-Learn loop you need to keep the focus on what your goals are. For B2B customers Retention, Referral, and Revenue metrics are king with maybe Retention being the most important. Each iteration through the Build-Measure-Learn loop adds more knowledge to what the customers want and need as long as you are measuring the right metrics.


Niche testing begins with conducting a survey with your key customers. From the survey results you then begin further and more detailed testing of your product innovation concepts, measuring the customers' responses and learning what changes to the product adds value for them. You may need to pivot to a different feature if customer responses are tepid. Continue through the Build-Measure-Learn loop until your learning goals are met.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Post-Product/Market Fit: Vision and User Stories

Lean Startup provides a framework from which a new business starts with a strong, central vision and grows into a sustainable, and profitable, business. This new business begins life with only the vision being known; customers and the product are unknown and must be ‘discovered’ through experimentation of hypotheses and assumptions found in the startup’s business plans. When the customers are identified (market segments), the minimum viable product is completed (MVP), the sales plan validated, the marketing plan validated, and enough customers exist to make for a profitable business, the startup will have achieved product/market fit.

In the post-product/market fit era, the efforts of startups with a new product or legacy businesses with a legacy product are virtually the same: continue to scale up the demand for the product by promoting strategies for encouraging and sustaining innovation. The first of these strategies, the vision and user stories derived from the vision, are discussed below. I also provide a brief background on the innovator's dilemma.

Innovators Dilemma

In his book, "The Innovator's Dilemma", Clayton M. Christensen summarises the innovator's dilemma as businesses focusing their efforts on immediate customer needs rather than adopting new technologies or learning and solving customer's future needs. For the new business that has recently achieved product/market fit, this can mean addressing only those customers that brought the business to product/market fit in the first place, early adopters, and not discovering new mainstream customer segments. For established businesses, those that achieved product/market fit some time ago, this may mean following market trends and technology changes rather than leading; being reactive, not proactive.
The "innovator's dilemma" occurs once product/market fit is made and the company focuses its efforts on maintaining the product/market fit rather than innovating. Businesses can use lean startup in a deliberate effort to ensure product and market innovation continues to occur in parallel with product/market fit maintenance.

The Profitability Trap
If a business, either new or well established, is profitable, it might not feel any urgency to find new customers for their product, build new features for their product, or investigate new, spin-off products their customer may want. Essentially the business has determined to maintain their product/market fit based on old data that gets older every day. Whether you're an established business or a new business that has achieved product/market fit, continuing forward with an innovate business strategy is important to survival and following the lean startup in the post-product/market fit environment can be a great help.

Post-Product/Market Fit Using Lean Startup

As with pre-product/market fit, post-product/market fit efforts start with a vision.

This vision differs from the initial startup vision in that it is more product/business specific and is short-lived. What does remain the same is the business/development team sharing the vision and being inspired to do great things by it.
The specificity of the vision will centre around customer value and business growth and encompasses product or business innovations. Product innovations include: making the product better, faster, easier to use, or cheaper. Business innovations include: better sales strategies, better marketing campaigns, better product support, and improved business best practices.
The vision is short-lived, usually to coincide with the product release cycles. If your release cycles are shorter than quarterly, you might not create a new vision for each release but have one vision with enough goals that covers several releases.

The product roadmap holds ideas from customer feedback, sales, marketing, support, development, product management, or from corporate management and is usually the source of the vision for a release.
From this vision will emerge the goals which are documented in the release plan, business plan, or project plan. I would suggest having a release plan as it implies a finite project that ends with a release. It also ties in neatly with Agile by using common terminology.

User Stories Reflect the Release Plan Hypotheses

User stories are how the business documents the goals of their vision. In the traditional Agile implementation the user stories reflect only product changes and acceptance criteria only validates that a customer (usually the product owner acting as the customer) accepted the product changes. What wasn't validated was whether the user story added value for the customer or growth for the business.
If the business is following the Lean Startup framework then each user story not only has acceptance criteria but also identifies the metrics and measures to be collected and analysed in the Measure and Learn phases of the Build-Measure-Learn loop. We want to know exactly how to know if the user story has added value. This is the distinction between running Agile and running Agile within the Lean Startup framework.
The user stories represent the hypotheses and assumptions that need to be validated. If you are to validate all facets of the product and those business areas that are linked to the product, you not only create user stories for the product but create user stories for marketing, sales, support, and other components of the business model and best practices that require validation.
Legacy businesses are very likely to believe that their the collection of best practices, sales and marketing plans have been proven because they’ve been active for some period of time. This may be somewhat true in a broad sense but individual bullet list items, procedural steps, and other line-items of the sales and marketing plans and other business practices may have yet to be proven or have not been re-validated in some time. To assess whether a line-item, say an ongoing e-mail campaign, requires validation, ask the marketing person what effect upon the metrics Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Referrals, and Retention that specific e-mail campaign had last week or month (don’t make it too easy for the marketing person and watch out for vanity metric data). If they can show specific [positive] cause and effect for the particular line-item of the plan, then that item can be assumed validated. Everything else, where no empirical data exists, must be tested.

In Summary

Start with a unique vision for each release and then treat each release as a mini-startup business. From the vision, develop goals for the release and document these as user stories in a release plan. User stories document innovative product features and improvements. User stories also document innovations and improvements for marketing, sales, business model and business best practices. Each user story has acceptance criteria to validate the user story was implemented correctly. Each user story will also identify the metrics and measures required to validate the user story actually adds value for the customer and growth to the business.

Future Posts

I would like to solicit any suggestions for future articles. Please let me know if there's an area of lean startup that you feel needs further exploration. - Bob Boyd


These are the books and blogs used for this article:
  • Ries, Eric. "The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses"
  • Blank, Steve; Dorf, Bob. "The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company"
  • Christensen, Clayton. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail
  • Hoque,Faisal. "How Successful Companies Sustain Innovation," (accessed February 2, 2013).


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lean Startup Build-Measure-Learn Loop Planning

The Build-Measure-Learn loop is the heart of Lean Startup and every iteration through the loop requires some degree of planning. Build-Measure-Learn iteration planning is similar to Agile iteration planning where the startup team plans the activities and identifies the expected results for the next iteration of the Build-Measure-Learn loop.

Build-Measure-Learn Iteration Planning Session

The purpose of the Build-Measure-Learn iteration is to test some unknown aspect of the business. This might be an experiment to learn about customers, the product, sales, marketing, support, packaging, or something else that the business feels will increase the value of the product or increase the growth of the business. Whether the business is in pre- or post-Product/Market Fit, the Build-Measure-Learn iteration serves the same purpose: learning to improve and grow the business using scientific methods.

Each iteration through the Build-Measure-Learn loop is an experiment which tests one or more hypothesis of the business and, like any endeavour, planning is essential to maintain the focus on the experiment and understand its objectives. The Build-Measure-Learn Iteration Planning Session will answer the following questions:
  • What hypotheses you are going to validate in this iteration?
  • What do you need to learn to validate/invalidate the assumption?
  • What metric(s) do you need to collect to validate the learning?
  • What do you need to measure in order to validate your learning?
  • What do we need to build in order to validate our learning?
What you have at the end of the planning session will be a well planned experiment with specific objectives and goal. Everyone on the startup team should take notes during the planning session to document points of views, opinions, debates and any decisions made. What you're trying to capture are the decisions made and any differing opinions which, it may turn out, need to be revisited at a latter date.
Select The Riskiest Hypothesis to Test First
The startup team should be selecting the riskiest hypotheses from the business plan, marketing plan, or sales plan to test and validate first. This is especially important in the pre-Product/Market Fit phase of the business when the vision of the startup business is unproven and your customers and product are unknown or vaguely known. These risky hypotheses are usually fundamental to the business proposition and if proven untrue, would cause a major change, pivot, in the business.

The team will need to be cautious when selecting hypotheses to test to ensure that any MVP optimization can be unequivocally traced to a specific result. If the team is testing 5 hypotheses but makes one change to the MVP then the cause and effect is generally traceable. If however, the team makes 5 changes to the MVP to test 5 hypotheses then there's no clear cause and effect and the team's learning will be very limited. The startup team should try and keep the number of hypotheses under test in a Build-Measure-Learn iteration as small as practical as a means to limiting the amount of optimization required on the product.
Identify learning objectives
The team will clearly identify the objectives of this iteration of the Build-Measure-Learn loop. These objectives become the goal of the iteration. For example, assume part of your customer value hypothesis is your product appeals to all age groups. However, during the last Build-Measure-Learn iteration the team learned that the product lacked appeal to the 45 – 65 year old market. During face-to-face interviews with these potential customers, the team determined that the user interface might be overly cluttered for these customers.  This iteration of the Build-Measure-Learn loop will optimize the MVP and test that there's a 30% increase in Activations and a 10% increase in sales to the 45 – 65 market segment. The objectives would then be:
  • Improve the user experience by removing unused (greyed out) buttons and controls and increase Activation by customers aged 45 - 65 by 30%
  • Improve the user experience by removing unused (greyed out) buttons and controls and increase Revenue from customers aged 45 – 65 by 10%.
It's important that the team be very specific about what they are attempting to do. If the objective was, "Increase Revenue from customers" then how would you know if you were successful? Would $5 be good enough? Would any age group count?
Identify metrics
The team will select the metrics needing collection for the customer story under test. For the 45 – 65 year old market segment example, the metrics are Activation and Revenue. However, the team may need to also monitor the metrics Acquisition and Retention just to make sure any change to attract one customer segment doesn't cause another customer segment to suffer.

The team needs to be aware that any change made to the product for testing one hypothesis may have desirable and undesirable side effects that the team cannot ignore. The left hand needs to know what the right hand is doing.
Identify measures
The team needs to determine what and how they measure the customer’s behaviour in order to validate their learning with the next MVP. The measures you select must provide the proof one way or other that the experiment is changing the customer’s behaviour. For example, if you’re trying to increase sales to the aged 45 – 65 market segment, raw sales numbers or revenue will not be the appropriate measure because it’s not clear who is actually buying the product and what their age group is.

The team will need to get some age information from the customers. Assume for the moment that Acquisition was viewing a demo and registering for product download, then part of the registration process might be to have the customer check an age group or give their birth date. Activation might mean the customer installs and runs the product which requires them to login again and get a temporary licence. Revenue again requires the customer to login and give a credit card or paypal account.

Another way to get age information is through face-to-face interviews although asking someone their age might be inappropriate.

The team should also determine how data are collected and presented for evaluation by the startup team.
Write MVP user stories
Once the team knows what hypotheses are under test, what metrics to use and what customer behaviour to measure, they can focus on the means for conducting the experiment and define the MVP needed for the experiment. For the 45 – 65 market segment example, this would be a software change to the product to improve the customer’s user experience.

However, the team is not limited to having only a software product as MVP. For example, they may use a new marketing promotion or a new sales channel as the MVP. The point is not what the MVP is but the potential for the startup to learn about their customers and business model by using the MVP as the tool for learning.
When developing MVP user stories, the team must not lose sight of the startup’s vision and begin making product changes that don’t serve that vision. They must also keep focused on the hypotheses under test and not make any product change that doesn’t support the testing. The MVP is used to prove or disprove specific hypotheses, not to create more uncertainty and complications.
The team must also be aware that any change to the product and the subsequent customer behaviour, i.e. cause and effect, must be as unambiguous as possible. The team should only make one change at a time to test the hypotheses. If the team makes multiple changes, it’s harder or impossible to know which change caused what customer behavioural change.

Finish Planning

Once the startup team has the MVP user stories, they need to document everything from the planning meeting. This is informal and could be pictures of white boards, annotated scraps of paper, and other notes. What you're trying to capture are the decisions made and any differing opinions which, it may turn out, need to be revisited at a latter date. Save this in a well known location so it can be recovered at some future date if necessary.

If you have any comments or suggestions on planning the activities of the Build-Measure-Learn loop please let me know.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Startup Process of Vision and Planning

At a recent startup meet up in Sydney I was speaking to a couple of entrepreneurs who had their vision and had an initial MVP but there was a disagreement as to whether they should take the next step and begin showing their MVP to customers.
This one scene, probably repeated dozens of times a day all over the world, illustrates clearly the need for some sort of process, a checklist, or best practice, something that can assist the entrepreneur to decide when it's time to move forward.
Think of the process of driving a car. What steps do you follow?
  1. Unlock car door - Verify: Door can be opened
  2. Climb into car - Verify: You’re sitting in driver’s seat
  3. Close car door - Verify: Door sounds like it closed properly
  4. Put on seat-belt - Verify: Seat-belt is latched and is comfortable
  5. Put key into ignition and turn to start car - Verify: Car starts up, engineer sounds OK
  6. Put foot on brake and look around - Verify: It seems safe to move car
  7. Put car in gear and look around again - Verify: Car lurches slightly in direction you're going and nothing seems to be in the way
and you get the picture. Although we never look at a document or follow any written steps, the procedure exists. It is in the car owner's manual, which is buried in glove box under a bunch of other junk and hasn't seen daylight since the last crisis you had when you needed to know how to add windshield washer fluid. None of us gives driving a car a second thought because it is routine and rarely does anything unexpected happen. But when something unexpected does happen we actually seem to know what to do: call for roadside assistance or call the police or hide the body in the bush or whatever. A startup is only slightly less routine if divided into small enough segments. When something unexpectedly happens to a startup, a startup taking small but quick steps, the number of options available is limited and hopefully, clear. I believe this is the whole point of Eric Ries's book, "The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses"; you take small, deliberate steps as quickly as possible, if something unexpected happens, you either persevere or pivot. A startup runs a series of pass/fail experiments on very specific items.
Let's get back to my two friends who are debating whether they should start talking to customers (there is a third startup team member who was not present). It struck me that one of them was eager to move forward but the other was fearful of failure. Break down what these entrepreneurs have done or not done so far:
  • They've had a vision but is the vision shared among the whole startup team?
  • They've developed an initial product, MVP, but are reluctant to go in front of customers with it.
  • They have a plan but is the plan written down and agreed to by the team?
  • They've gone to a startup meeting because they want insight and help from other entrepreneurs.
It may not be obvious how process can help here but it can, the process of vision and planning.

The Process of Vision and Planning

How someone has a flash of brilliance is yet unknown to humanity and is not subject to a predictable process. However, what happens afterward is. I've labelled these Day 1, Day 2, ... as a matter of convenience rather than dictating the speed which these steps happen. Leave it to the startup team to determine the length of each step but remember, speed is important.

Day 1

The vision is the problem statement that the visionary thinks he or she can solve and is a problem that needs to be solved. Rather than focusing on a specific solution, the vision statement captures the problem a startup will be trying to solve. A vision statement may be as follows:
Help wireless technology users track their usage.
You might be tempted to solve this problem with a mobile app, but if the team later learns through empirical testing and validated learning that most customers don’t want to use a mobile app, you can easily pivot because your vision is solution independent. By framing the product vision as a specific problem rather than a specific solution, you’ll have the freedom to create different types of solutions. This is important as it's likely your first solution won’t be attractive to a broad customer base. By having the freedom to explore multiple solutions this won't be a great concern. Your vision statement gives you the freedom to keep trying rather than hitting a dead end.
The visionary may contact a few people to see if the problem is something that they would like to see solved. In Eric Ries's book, Lean Startup, he has a few examples of this with one visionary calling people randomly, one hanging out in a grocery store talking to shoppers, and another who used a YouTube video to demonstrate a solution to a problem. None of these probably took more than a day to complete and although these activities do not validate the vision, they do give the visionary enough feedback to know whether the vision is worth pursuing.
So what do you do if no one has the problem you envision to solve? The real answer lies within the visionary and startup team. The visionary and startup team’s hunches, insights, wisdom, intuition, and world experiences must be balanced against customers not having or not knowing they have a problem. However, the startup team must test this hypothesis very early on as part of their customer discovery efforts.

Day 2

Assemble a small team of 3-5 people who share the vision. The initial core team is small to facilitate communications, help ensure that the vision is commonly understood, and to foster understanding of the customer’s problem as it relates to the startup’s vision. The point is to have enough people in the startup to objectively learn if the vision is valid but keep the initial costs low and limit waste. But the most crucial thing is that the team shares the vision. I think this is a most crucial requirement and should not be compromised.
Everyone on the Team Shares The Vision
If the visionary is recruiting a team, he or she should ensure that all potential team members can and do share the vision. Why is this so important? It's important that everyone is 100% committed to the vision so that 100% of their energies are focused on making the vision a reality. Think about a time when you and another person were driving somewhere and disagreed on what route to take. It may end up as an argument or at least one person being moodily quiet while the other defends their point of view. All that's happened is the two do not equally share the vision of what route to take and it has become divisive. A startup will almost certainly fail if the founders are at odds with each other on the first day and cannot agree on the vision - the problem the startup hopes to solve. If one of your team does not appear to share the vision, then ask Pete Best, or whatever their name is, to leave. You can try and persuade them to share your vision but if you can't convince them after an hour, they'll probably never be convinced.
Everyone On The Team Is Cross-Functional
The startup team is cross-functional. Everyone on the team is expected to talk with customers. Everyone on the team is expected to understand the customer’s problem. Everyone on the team is expected to understand the solution. And everyone on the team is expected to learn throughout the customer discovery and validation process. Having said this, a startup team is not expected to have equal knowledge on every aspect of the business or solution but rather have the capability to contribute and understand all aspects of the startup’s endeavours. It is important that all team members can step outside their primary roles and  contribute to any part of the startup’s business.
The skills a startup team will need are:
  1. Designer – Designing what may turn out to be several different solutions (MVP) that will test the business assumptions.
  2. Developer – Technical ability to create the solution (MVP) in whatever form it takes.
  3. Marketing/Sales – Knows how to talk to the customer. Can identify early adopters and understands product positioning, pricing, and promotion.
  4. Visionary – Creative genius, curious and risk taker.
One startup team member should also be the startup evangelist; keeping all other members focused on understanding who their customers are, the customers’ problem and working toward a solution to solve that problem.
Each startup team member should agree how much time and money they can give to the business startup. Time is self-explanatory but money, or the lack of, can break a startup team very early on. If there's office equipment, hardware/software necessary to build an MVP, travel expenses to visit customers, cost of outside consultants, or any of a dozen other minor or major expenses, the team might need a war chest from which draw cash from.

Day 3

Once the core team is assembled, create a business plan using the Business Model Canvas as defined in Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur's book, "Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers". At this stage, only the items Customer Segments, Value Proposition, and Channels are needed although you can complete the cost and revenue items if you know them or think you might want to feed your family every day (this is where the war chest comes in handy). During these early days, you'll be more focused on discovering who your customers are so don't count on receiving too much in the way of revenue from them.
  • Customer Segments-identify who your customers are, people who have the problem you've identified in your vision and will be served by your eventual solution.
  • Value Proposition-this is your solution to the problem your customers have. Under the umbrella of your vision, there may more than one problem and solution you are trying to solve.
  • Channels-How you plan to reach your Customer Segments to deliver a Value Proposition. This may be different for each Customer Segment you have identified.
It may take a day or two for the core startup team to agree on the business plan. As the team talks through the business plan, the team should thoroughly document this discussion as any thoughts tabled may in fact prove to be significant later.
Having a small team will help with reaching agreement on the business plan as a first step toward a successful and sustainable business. The team doesn't necessarily agree that everything in the business plan is absolutely right, in fact the business plan here is not much more than a list of unproven hypotheses and assumptions. What the team agrees to is that the business plan forms the basis from which the team can begin experiments to discover who their customers are, what problem(s) these customers have, and if the team can devise a solution that resonates with these customers.
Variations of the business model canvas or lean canvas, can be found in Steve Blank and Bob Dorf's book, "The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company" and in Ash Maurya's book, "Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works".

Now What?

At this stage I believe you have completed the vision and planning stage and are now ready to enter the experimentation stage of the startup. But what about my entrepreneur friends I spoke of earlier who seemed to be at this junction; why do they hesitate?
I got a strong impression the three entrepreneurs shared the vision of the startup but I think their issue is that the developer had built a solution to the problem before they actually spoke to any customers and the fear of rejection weighs heavy on him. The developer kept asking how they could validate  that customers existed for the solution they had. He wanted to know that customers accepted the solution before telling them what the solution was or showing it to them.
The developer would have been less worried about acceptance of the solution if on Day 1 some verification was made that at least a couple people had the problem and wanted a solution as the developer envisioned. This is similar to Eric Ries's problem in his IMVU company where he built a solution to a problem before testing the Value Proposition on customers. If you recall, Eric Ries was very reluctant to throw away his code and stubbornly stuck to his solution even if it meant "firing customers" who didn't accept his solution. A startup is most certainly going to build some MVP before knowing if any customers want it but having some reassurances by verifying with customers on Day 1 might have given a developer the confidence necessary to begin startup experimentation.
I also think, although this is an assumption on my part, that the team might have had a plan but it wasn't written down anywhere and the team of three did not agree to it, at least not in so many words. The entrepreneurs may not have remembered that the business plan is neither fact nor fiction but is mostly a list of un-validated hypotheses and assumptions. A written plan has a much stronger impact that one that is verbal. It's easier to ask questions about written words, hypotheses, and assumptions. Writing the business plan down and agreeing to it can help reinforce the idea that the plan is a point of departure, that the one thing the team knows and agrees to is the plan they see on Day 3 is not complete and not correct. The team knows the plan will change as they learn more about their customers, their customers' problems, and the differing solutions the team might offer. By the team agreeing to the plan, they also agree to the uncertainty of that plan. The developer might have still felt anxious but the other team members and the developer, having agreed to the plan, have now accepted joint ownership of the plan, MVP and the risks involved with both the plan and MVP.
By the way, my advice to the entrepreneurs was to begin conducting experiments to validate their plan and showing the MVP to customers-but don't be reckless about it. Besides, what did they have to lose?


These are books I would recommend you buy and read:
  • Ries, Eric. "The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses"
  • Maurya, Ash. "Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works"
  • Blank, Steve; Dorf, Bob. "The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company"

Monday, January 21, 2013

Lean Startup Process: Starting the Blog

Hi Everyone,
I'm planning on documenting what Best Practices and process a business startup should follow, specifically startups using Eric Ries's Lean Startup framework. These best practices are meant to be a day-to-day guide for startups to help them stay on track by asking itself the right questions at the right time during their journey from initial vision to product/market fit and beyond. Along with hearing stories of harrowing miss-steps and jubilant successes, I am looking to get what specific and deliberate steps a startup took to either move toward success or move toward gloom. Underlying these steps are the indications and indicators, like tea leaves, which may have helped predict the startup’s future progress and success. If you have a story about your startup, I hope you can share it to help other startups.
In the mean time, I'll be publishing whatever information I've gathered or received here for everyone's benefit.
Thanks for your time and hope your visits here are most productive, Bob